Keeping Pets Safe at Halloween
All facts in this blog were provided by experts in The Vet Connection who operate the An Post Insurance 24 hour Vet helpline.
Scary cat or scaredy cat? Hellhound or unhappy hound? However you celebrate Halloween, if you’re a pet parent you’ll be wondering how you can keep your pets happy and safe this month.
Last year’s Halloween was certainly different, and this year may be similar. Whatever happens, there is still plenty we can do to prepare ourselves and our four-legged friends for the spooky season ahead.

Unexpected Guests
Trick or treaters arriving at your door can unsettle a nervous dog or cat so it helps to make sure your pet has a ‘safe place’ where they feel secure.
A three-sided bed or crate that can be covered on top works well for dogs who are nervous of fireworks or unknown visitors. Choose a quiet corner of the house they can retreat to.
Scaredy Cats
It’s a good idea to keep cats indoors after dark too, in case they get startled by fireworks. A startled cat could end up out of their normal territory and get lost, or even run onto a busy road if a firework goes off nearby. You should also check that visitors close your garden gates when they leave.
Tempting Treats
We all enjoy a treat and a game at Halloween, but some things can be harmful to our pets if they eat or play with them.
- Chocolate should be kept for humans only as it’s poisonous to dogs and cats.
- Some sweets contain a sweetener called xylitol which is also toxic.
- Dogs that eat wrappers and packaging to get to the tempting food inside, could develop a serious blockage internally.
- Any food made with raisins, grapes or sultanas can cause fatal kidney failure in dogs.
- Even the humble toffee apple can be a problem if the stick is eaten, while the toffee apple itself could be a choking hazard.
- Candles can be made with essential oils, waxes and paraffins that can all cause harm to your pet if they chew or swallow them.
- Glow sticks and glow-in-the-dark jewellery or toys (yes, some dogs do chew them!) contain a bitter substance that can irritate your dog’s eyes and skin and make them drool and gag – they are not toxic, but not much fun for the dog so it’s best to make sure they can’t reach them.
- If your pooch likes to dress up as a pumpkin, or maybe a little devil at Halloween, remember costumes can be a fire hazard so always keep well away from naked flames.
We hope you find our tips ‘Haloweelly’ helpful – enjoy a safe Halloween!
An Post Insurance Pet Insurance includes a 24 hour helpline, which is operated by The Vet Connection 365 days a year and gives policy holders access to their national network of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons registered veterinary nurses. Policy holders can call one of their Registered Veterinary Nurses on 01 913 1067 for advice at any time.
If you’re in the market for Pet Insurance, why not get a quote today by clicking on the link below.

An Post Insurance Pet Insurance is arranged and administered by Cover-More Blue Insurance Services Limited who is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland and underwritten by H.W. Kaufman Group Europe BV, trading as Cranbrook, on behalf of the insurer, Sava Insurance Company.
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